Your Glow

Chemical Peels at Origami Medical Spa

Our Chemical Peels are designed to revitalize and rejuvenate your skin, unveiling a fresh, radiant complexion. Bid farewell to pesky acne scars, sunspots, and fine lines, as our advanced peel formulations work wonders in restoring your skin’s natural luminosity.

Our team of skilled and experienced professionals is committed to your skin’s well-being. With utmost precision and care, they will tailor a Chemical Peel treatment plan that addresses your unique concerns and goals, ensuring you achieve remarkable, long-lasting results.



  • Exfoliation
  • Acne Treatment
  • Reduced Hyperpigmentation
  • Minimizes Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Improves Skin Texture
  • Treats Sun Damage
  • Evens Skin Tone
  • Reduces Appearance of Scars
  • Unclogs Pores
  • Boosts Collagen Production
  • Restore Youthful Glow
  • Enhances Product Absorption


  • Acne and Acne Scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Sun Damage
  • Uneven Skin Tone
  • Rough or Dry Skin
  • Oily Skin
  • Dull Skin
  • Age Spots
  • Scarring
  • Rough or uneven texture
  • Large Pores


  • Face
  • Neck
  • Hands
  • Chest
  • Legs
  • Back
  • Arms

Frequently Asked Questions

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a skincare treatment that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the outermost layer of dead skin cells. This process stimulates skin cell turnover, leading to a smoother, more even complexion.

Chemical peels can be safe for most skin types, but the type and strength of the peel should be tailored to an individual’s skin concerns and sensitivity. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified skincare professional to determine the most suitable peel for your skin type.

During the treatment, you may experience a mild tingling or stinging sensation, but most peels are well-tolerated. The level of discomfort depends on the type of peel and individual sensitivity.

The recovery time varies based on the type and strength of the chemical peel. Mild peels typically require little to no downtime, while deeper peels may involve several days of redness, peeling, and sensitivity.

The number of treatments required depends on the individual’s skin concerns and the type of peel used. Some people may see noticeable improvements after one treatment, while others may require a series of treatments for optimal results.

Yes, chemical peels can be combined with other cosmetic treatments, such as microdermabrasion or laser therapy, to enhance overall results. However, the timing and sequencing of treatments should be discussed with your skincare professional.

Common side effects include temporary redness, mild peeling, and increased sensitivity. In rare cases, more severe side effects, such as infection or scarring, can occur, which is why it’s crucial to have chemical peels performed by a qualified professional.

The timing of chemical peels can depend on the strength of the peel and the individual’s skin type. Some peels are more suitable for the cooler months, as they may increase sun sensitivity. Your skincare professional will advise you on the best time for treatment based on your specific needs.

While some at-home peels may offer mild exfoliation, professional chemical peels performed by trained professionals are generally more effective and safer, especially for deeper peels.

Yes, after a chemical peel, the skin is more sensitive to the sun. It’s essential to wear sunscreen daily and avoid excessive sun exposure to protect the newly treated skin and maintain results.

  1. Exfoliation: The chemical solution used in a peel contains active ingredients, such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), or trichloroacetic acid (TCA), that break down the bonds between dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. This exfoliation process removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells, revealing the fresher, healthier skin beneath.

  2. Stimulation of Collagen and Elastin: Chemical peels can reach deeper layers of the skin, stimulating fibroblasts to produce new collagen and elastin. These essential proteins provide structural support and elasticity to the skin, leading to improved skin texture and firmness over time.

  3. Promotion of Cell Turnover: The exfoliation triggered by the chemical peel speeds up the natural process of cell turnover. By shedding the outer layer of dead skin cells, the body responds by generating new skin cells, leading to a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

  4. Reduction of Pigmentation: Chemical peels can target areas of hyperpigmentation and melasma by breaking down melanin clusters and encouraging even distribution of pigment in the skin.

  5. Unclogging Pores: The exfoliation action of chemical peels helps to remove debris, oil, and dead skin cells from clogged pores, reducing the occurrence of blackheads and whiteheads.

  6. Improvement of Skin Texture: As old, damaged skin cells are shed, and new cells are generated, the skin’s texture becomes smoother and more refined.

  7. Enhanced Penetration of Skincare Products: By removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells, chemical peels facilitate better penetration of skincare products, allowing them to be more effective in addressing specific skin concerns.

It’s important to note that the extent of these effects depends on the type and strength of the chemical peel used. Superficial peels primarily exfoliate the epidermis (outer layer of skin), while medium and deep peels can reach deeper layers of the skin, triggering more significant changes.

The biomechanical mechanism of action in a chemical peel is a controlled process that is customized based on an individual’s skin type, concerns, and desired outcomes. It’s crucial to have chemical peels performed by a qualified skincare professional to ensure safe and effective results. Additionally, post-peel care and sun protection are essential to optimize results and maintain healthy skin after the procedure.